Seven Marks of A Good Shepherd

  People, like sheep, need a good shepherd. Jesus recognized this when he declared, “Seeing the people, he felt compassion for them, because they were distressed and dispirited like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36) If you aspire to be

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Four Keys to Handling Opposition Wisely

One thing is for certain: if you are going to work with people and try to lead them, you are going to face opposition.  The very nature of leadership is guiding people to an uncertain future, which usually requires change. 

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Ten Character Qualities of a Mature Leader

              Leaders rise and fall, not so much on their abilities or giftedness, but on their character.  It is their character that determines how well they will get along with others and whether they will become trusted leaders.  It

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A Charge to a New Minister of the Gospel

It is my privilege,  to bring you a brief charge and  to remind you what are your most basic duties as a minister of the Gospel. I turn to the words of our Lord Jesus to aid me in giving

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